Surrey Playing Fields Objectives
The objects of the SPF shall be to further, within their area, the aims and objects of the NPFA, as defined by Royal Charter, and in their role of a County Association:
a. To secure adequate playing fields for the present and future of all sections of the community in the County of Surrey.
b. To give financial assistance towards the acquisition, improvement and development of playing fields and pavilions, and for the acquisition of sports equipment and provision of grants and bursaries where considered necessary.
c. to secure properly equipped playgrounds for children.
d. To co-operate in protecting existing playing fields from appropriation for other purposes.
e. To encourage the exercise of all statutory and other powers under which playing fields and open spaces can be acquired. The protection and promotion of facilities for sport and recreation through the statutory Planning Process.
f. To act as a centre of advice for local authorities and interested persons on all matters connected with the acquisition, layout and use of grounds set apart for the playing of games.
g. To advise on the maintenance, management or equipment of playing fields and open spaces for schools, clubs or other institutions.
h. To encourage local authorities to make full use of their powers to ensure ample open spaces are secured, and that when new housing schemes are initiated, playing grounds shall he provided.
i. To help and encourage, in particular, those clubs and associations which are willing to make special efforts to help themselves to become self-supporting.
j. To work in the closest co-operation with voluntary organisations and sports associations, to promote and extend physical recreational exercises with a view to the promotion of the physical and moral welfare of the population and right use of leisure hours.
k. To raise by subscriptions or otherwise funds for the furtherance of the objects of:
(1) the SCPFA.
(2) the NPFA, particularly for the benefit of the County of Surrey.
l. To do all or any of the above things by or through trustees, agents or otherwise and either alone or in conjunction with others.