Application Forms
Use links below to download grant application forms
Bursary Grant Form - Coaching Application
Bursary Grant Form - Sports Application
GDPR Privacy Notice for Loan, Grant and Bursary Applications
Use links below to download grant application forms
Bursary Grant Form - Coaching Application
Bursary Grant Form - Sports Application
GDPR Privacy Notice for Loan, Grant and Bursary Applications
If you are seeking assistance for planning, legal, technical or financial problems, any of our officers will be able to point you in the right direction. Borough Development Officers (BDOs) operate in Elmbridge, Reigate & Banstead, Waverley, Spelthorne, Tandridge, Runnymede and Mole Valley and they are your first your first point of contact. For Epsom & Ewell, Guildford, Surrey Heath and Woking, please contact either the Secretary or Treasurer. Details can be found on our Contact Page.
The BDO or Officer will acknowledge your communication.
Grants and Loans Application forms can be downloaded from our website, or if appropriate your BDO/Officer can forward you a copy for you to complete. If necessary they will visit your club or organisation to discuss the project.
They can also advise you on other sources of finance.
After the visit, assuming that the project is viable, all the club or organisation will have to do is return the application form to the BDO/Officer, together with any supporting documentation.
The application will be processed and approved within a 6 – 12 week time frame. However we do ask that you give us a much time as you can to enable us to agree to support you prior to the start of your project.
Grants: SPF can award Grants up to a maximum of £1000. These are ideally suited to the smaller project such as equipment for initial start ups, new activities within established clubs/organisations. Grants may also be awarded to assist with the cost of training courses for coaches and or officials and to improve opportunities of participation.
Grants are designed to assist with specific items of expenditure which will be of benefit to clubs in many ways. They are not appropriate as contributions to major projects where, although they might provide nominal assistance, it would not be apparent as to precisely what such a contribution had been used for. In such cases, a loan might be a more appropriate form of assistance.
For further information about our Grants and Loans and how we can help you with your application please refer to "Frequently asked Questions" via the link listed below.
Loans: The maximum loan is £50,000 and, in big projects, such as rebuilding a pavilion would almost certainly be part of a larger financial package assembled by the club. Repayments are made annually over a maximum period of 10 years and interest is charged at the flat rate of 5% per annum on the reducing balance, which over the whole term works out at an equivalent figure of just under 3% per annum, depending on the precise period of the loan. Loans must be guaranteed by individual members or supporters of the organisation requesting the loan, and sufficient guarantors will be required to ensure that the liability of each individual guarantor is limited to a maximum figure of £5,000. Loans must be accepted within 8 weeks of being offered and taken up within 6 months of being accepted.
Clubs are advised that they must make no financial commitments involving SCPFA funds until their applications have been approved.
Clubs should take into account, when budget planning, that new facilities will need to be maintained. A business plan will also be required by most funding sources.
Bursaries: are intended for young people (10-23yrs old) to encourage them to get involved in Sports Coaching (Coaching Bursaries) or assist their Sporting achievements (Sports Bursaries).
For the Coaching Bursaries 50% of the costs of a relevant Coaching Course is available up to £250 providing there is also at least equivalent support from the Club.
Please see our FAQ’s for further information about how SPF can help with your project.
Download Frequently Asked Questions in Word Format.
Download Frequently Asked Questions in PDF.
It is important that you have a viable project in order to succeed.
Use the latest criteria when selecting projects, be this young people, health, deprived areas etc.
The Association has to keep information when administering grants loans and bursaries. The Surrey Playing Fields Association has a privacy notice which can be downloaded from this section of the website. We trust that this will assist you when deciding if th take financial assistance from us.